Table of Contents
The page goal is to collect references to papers, books and other historical studies and/or artifacts that allow to establish a multi-dimensional picture of the emergence of the practice and understanding of Systems Engineering.
Some dimensions of interest:
- domains of application
- human clusters of interactions (geographical, individuals, groups, organizations)
- schools of thought (or understanding?)
Research questions to explore the material:
- What spurred the need for Systems Engineering, conformed the perception of its definition?
- A and B type, from Joseph Kasser (problem vs. process?)
- Object Oriented vs. Flow Oriented?
Books/Scientific papers
- “year”, “title”, “author”, key points (url?)
Other references
- “year”, “title”, “author”, key points (url?)
systems_engineering_history.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/06 01:06 by brucelerner